For an advanced web page watcher see our product:
Orbiscope Observer
& watch web site, detect changes.
Your competitors are watching
your Web site. Are you doing the same? Beware of ignored changes.
Orbiscope meta search is also an
internet tool to monitor specific Web
sites for changes. Be the first to know when changes occurred
in a web site. Detect new links or new words.
Whit his agents, Orbiscope can combine
your Web site watches into separate agent categories and generate
different reports containing all changes occurred on watched
pages. Save time and avoid being surprised by changes by tracking
thousand of sites.
Orbiscope will let you easily monitor
your competitor's pages and make you take strategic business
a trial version of Orbiscope software and start a competitive
intelligence process now.

for new documents
Orbiscope let you
watch and collect new documents of any type on a web page.
It can download them automatically and alert you by email.
track of auction price or tickers value.
You have many auctions to watch
? You want to know specific value of a company share ? Orbiscope
let you monitor all kind of data including numerical value.
It could be the price of a CD or results from sport match.
Orbiscope realy is more then a web site watcher. It is a competitive
intelligence software.

of value tracking in Orbiscope Metasearch
See the
tutorial How to
watch a value on a financial web site
Watch for new Links.
Your monitoring agents can react
only when new links appears in the page. This option let you
watch new product, news or new web page on a site.
for specifics word to appear
Get alerted only when the word
you want is appearing on a page. You can watch for a particular
product or online newspaper title. This way, know what they
are saying about your product in Internet.
Web page Up or Down.
Be alerted when your web site is down.
your site's watch
can automatically put the report on a Web page and let all
your coworkers see the results of your Web watch. See
an example here
Orbiscope NetBot agent lets you
choose a variety of reactions to inform you, from the simple
alert to the launch of a particular program and the automatic
download of new documents.
Be informed
and choose how
Orbiscope let you
choose a large variety of way to react from page change and
watch results
Autorun Software.
When a web page change, you can
start a program.
Alert by Email
Be alert by email on a site's change.
If you choose to watch a numeric value, you will receive a
email each time a change as occurred, the value inside the
email. If you choose to watch for new links, you will receive
them by email.
Download new
You only want to know when PDF
files appear on a page? Orbiscope agent's can watch for you
any kind of files.
your netbot Agent !
Orbiscope offer the possibility to share your
netBot Agent with others Orbiscope user by exporting them.
This way you can make you own web site watch agent and sale
them to clients or share them with business partners.
Orbiscope Offer the possibility to host your
webLog monitoring (The web page auto-generated by Orbiscope's
Web page monitoring agent )