Orbiscope Store
Orbiscope Metasearch
Orbiscope is a shareware, but its registration
gives the following advantages:
- Add an unlimited number of NetBot tasks
- Create as many categories as you want
- Your agents will be able to learn 200 words (rather than
only 50)
- No publicity
1 user; Personal licence
Buy Orbiscope Metasearch for
only 29,95 $ USD
- One year free upgrade
- Receive your licence key within
24 hours
secure transaction

1 user; Corporate licence
Orbiscope Meta search for only 45,95
- One year free upgrade
- receive your licence within
5 minutes
- secure transaction

Educational classroom with <
50 computers
470 $ , Contact
us with an university or college Email
- One year free upgrade
- receive your licence within
5 minutes
secure transaction
Orbiscope Position
Orbiscope Position licence key will let you add
more then 3 position's watch.
Orbiscope Observer