NetBot Actions


  1. Check for updates: See if the content of the page has changed since the last time
    (Be aware of dynamic pages: they change very often.

  2. New Sentence or words: When watching the page, the NetBot will wait for the word to appear on the Web page. Note: Do not put a sentence or word that already is in the page.

  3. New link: The page will be considered updated only if new links appear. They will be written in the NetBot's log, same ting for the log of the parent category.

  4. New documents: The page will be considered updated only if there are new documents in the page. For that option to function properly you MUST specify the type of file to be watched for in the dialog box. Enter the file extension type, like
    .doc for Word, .pdf for Acrobat Reader, etc.

  5. Watch a numeric value: This option lets you keep a eye on a numeric value located in a web page, like the value of a share, or the price of a product on which you or someone has bid on.
    The page has to be entered before entering this option

    Enter the actual value to watch in the new window that appears.

    DO NOT PUT A NUMBER THAT IS TOO SIMPLE, like 4 ou 8 … Orbiscope will not be able to locate this value in the page, as the HTML code propably already contains this value

    The chosen value will appear in the NetBot Panel.

  6. Watch for pages going offline : you will be notified as soon as the page is no longer accessible, either because of a server failure or because it has been withdrawn.

  7. Download all documents : The NetBot will download for you all documents that have the same file extension on the page you specified. For that option to function properly you MUST specify the type of file to be watched for in the dialog box.

    Documents will be downloaded into the Orbiscope Download folder (in the same directory as where you installed Orbiscope, but this option is customizable.

NetBot reaction

WebLog and Email